rugby game

 In the weekend I went to a rugby game, it was the final’s, it was the blue’s game.

After 18 years they haven’t been in a grand final ever since. It was very intense. They vs highlanders, blue’s were in the lead but highlanders caught up. 15 to 16 blue’s had 16 but the highlanders had 15, luckily the blue’s scored a try, and it made it 21 with a kick to come.

They got it which makes it 24 points, I was so happy that they got the kick in. When I sat down I saw people doing the Mexican wave, Because the game was almost finished so I stood up and I said “Hooray”.the siren went honk honk honk and we were all like “yeah let's go blues you guys won after 18 years” everyone said.

They were still playing, the highlanders knocked the ball forward which caused it to be a knock on so they had a scrum, and then the first five got the ball and kicked it out. 

They were all celebrating and cheering the crowd goes wild.

And that is the end of my story.


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